Thursday, April 16, 2009

Not even coming up for air

That might take too long. Breathing. Plus I know I have 4-5 minutes with no breathing before I would start suffering from brain damage (gotta love First Aid/CPR training. And I now know how to use and AED _and_ I've mostly stopped having nightmares wherein I have to perform CPR. It just keeps getting better!!) so wouldn't it then and therefore make sense to stop with the breathing so much? Where's the engineer? I have some suggestions.

Life has been... going. Full speed. I am in the 6 1/2th level of hell (Dante apparently didn't notice this one) attempting to schedule a meeting. A as in one. One. Three. Hour. Meeting. And it's been a spectacular fail, glorious in it's absolute and utter inability to get accomplished. I mean, seriously: if I could get the positives in my life to happen with such ferocity, I'd be golden.

And that's theater. Helping Theatre FIRST out a very little bit with "Old Times" and trying to see some stuff (like One Man Lord of the Rings. Funny, funny stuff. So good.) before rehearsals start the 28th.

I've been knitting, um, nothing. But it's not my fault. I re-read the Anne books and am first time reading the Kent Family series and getting my video game on. None of which is very knitting friendly. But there are a number of ideas percolating. I have a feeling the drought will soon be over and I'll be clicking needles again.

And some wonderful lovely walks with Clive: Mount Diablo and Briones specifically. Hopefully to Boulder Creek this weekend because I miss the calm that just settles on me at Frank and Martha's. I wonder if they would notice if I just invited myself to stay there for like a year...

Watching the economy and the world with something like trepidation but also with hope. We, the citizens of this world, are due for a bit of a shift. A new, disturbing, uncomfortable world would be good for us, if only to grant a bit of perspective. What will it look like? I don't know. But hopefully it will look different. We need a new age.

I, like just about everyone else in the electronically connected world, have been delighted with Susan Boyle's performance on Britain's Got Talent (no links because if you're curious, just google it and you're inundated) and I have therefore had Les Miserables stuck in my head all week. Do you know how tenacious that show is? Like a little kid who's learned "The Song that Never Ends."

And that's me. Where I've been. I'm getting closer to my skinny jeans size, which I'm happy about because I like my 'skinny Kristin' clothes very much and I've missed wearing them, and hopefully I'll be able to climb those hills without wheezing. Everyone has a dream. Mine is just a bit simpler than some.

And how are you?

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